Latest Parish Council News

Sutton Courtenay Community Liaison Group – Environment Agency update July 2024

Published: 22 Jul 24

The environment agency have asked that we share their latest report following the odour complaints received. Read More...

Sutton Courtenay Community Liaison Group – Environment Agency update June 2024

Published: 8 Jul 24

The environment agency have asked that we share their latest report following the odour complaints received. Read More...

New District & County Councillor elected

Published: 26 Jun 24

Councillor Peter Stevens has been elected to the represent Sutton Courtenay on both the County and District Councils. Read More...

Thames Water consultation on new reservoir

Published: 10 Jun 24

South East Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO) events Thames Water are hosting community information events, where you can find out more about the new reservoir they are proposing to build in Oxfordshire. One event is taking place at Sutton Courtenay Village Hall on Thursday 27th June from 2pm-8pm. Read More...

Parish Council accounts published

Published: 14 May 24

The Parish Council's accounts for the financial year 2023-24 have been published on the Finances page of this website and submitted to the Government appointed external auditor. Read More...

Neighbourhood Plan referendum result

Published: 15 Apr 24

The plan received a majority ‘YES’ vote at its local referendum on Thursday 11th April. Click on the underlined text above to read more. Read More...

Expenditure on the Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 11 Apr 24

In response to queries from residents please find below a summary of expenditure incurred by the Parish Council in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan since the start of the project in 2016. Read More...

Annual Electors' Meeting 2024

Published: 26 Mar 24

The Annual Electors' Meeting will be held at The Village Hall, Frilsham Street, on Tuesday 9th April 2024, at 7.15pm. All electors of the Parish of Sutton Courtenay are invited to attend. The meeting will be Chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council. Read More...

Applications open for Storm Henk flooding financial support

Published: 29 Feb 24

Residents whose homes were internally flooded and businesses that were affected by flooding caused by Storm Henk in January can now formally apply for financial support from the District Council. Read More...

Sutton Courtenay Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 22 Feb 24

Following the independent examination of the Sutton Courtenay Neighbourhood Plan, the District Council has decided that the plan should proceed to referendum. The referendum will take place on Thursday 11th April. Those entitled to vote in the referendum will be sent a poll card by the District Council. To learn more follow the link in this article (click on underlined text above). Read More...

RWE Generation UK, Didcot B Power Station - Site Evacuation Exercise

Published: 8 Feb 24

RWE Generation UK are planning a site evacuation exercise at approximately 15.00 on Monday 12th February 2024. The site evacuation alarm will sound for several minutes, and potentially this will be heard in neighbouring villages. RWE Generation UK wish to apologise in advance for any inconvenience and noise disturbance. Read More...

Fallen tree on Village Green

Published: 23 Jan 24

Thank you for the reports of a fallen tree on the Village Green. The tree is on the grass and not blocking the road. The Parish Council's Clerk is organising for a tree surgeon to attend and applying for urgent tree works permission as the tree is in a conservation area. Read More...

Environment Agency Report on FCC site

Published: 15 Jan 24

The Environment Agency has published its report following an increase in reports of odours from the Sutton Courtenay FCC site. Read More...

Wantage Hospital meeting

Published: 2 Jan 24

Wantage Town Council is holding a public meeting on Thursday 11th January 2024 to discuss the future of Wantage Hospital. Read More...

Better housing, Better health

Published: 11 Dec 23

There’s a range of support available in Oxfordshire to stay warm, well and independent in your home this winter. Read More...

20mph zone proposal for the village

Published: 30 Nov 23

Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle. To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative modes of transport for local travel. Read More...

SSEN Priority Services Register

Published: 14 Nov 23

Scottish & Southern Electricity networks can help support our more vulnerable residents during prolonged power cuts with their Priority Services Register. Read More...

Footpath 27 to be upgraded

Published: 30 Oct 23

Sutton Courtenay Parish Council is working with Oxfordshire County Council to make improvements to some of the rights of way in the parish. Funding for the work has come from developers' contributions (Section 106 funds). Between 1st and 15th November work will be completed on footpath 27 between Old Wallingford Way and its junction with footpath 8. The route will remain open throughout the works. Read More...

Street traders' licence for The George & Dragon

Published: 20 Sep 23

Oak Taverns are applying for a street traders’ licence to enable them to have a single food van outside the The George & Dragon each day in the afternoon and evening. The section of land they wish to use belongs to the Parish Council, therefore the Parish Council will be considering the request to use Parish Council land and the licence application at its 3rd October meeting. Read More...

County Council tree projects

Published: 12 Sep 23

Oxfordshire County Council are scoping for community tree and woodland project opportunities that will benefit people and nature. Read More...

Deadline for 2024/25 Grants approaches

Published: 11 Sep 23

Do you know a local organisation that would benefit from a small grant? Read More...

Planning Appeal Inquiry for Hobbyhorse Lane North

Published: 31 Aug 23

The appeal public inquiry for application P21/V2682/O will be held from Tuesday 12th September. The Parish Council has appointed a planning consultant to present the Parish Council's objections to the application. (For more information click on the header.) Read More...

Skatepark events this summer

Published: 26 Jul 23

Thursday 27th July (CANCELLED DUE TO THE WEATHER), 10th August & 17th August 2-5pm. The events, run by ATB skate shop, will include competitions, skating games, prizes, and music. Any young person who is interested is encouraged to turn up and take part on the day. Read More...

Maintenance issues at the new Play Area

Published: 29 Jun 23

The Parish Council would like to thank all the residents who have reported concerns and incidents at the Recreation Ground play area, MUGA and pump track. Read More...

Neighbourhood Plan out for consultation

Published: 19 Apr 23

The District Council are carrying out a consultation on the submitted neighbourhood plan and supporting documents, which runs from Wednesday 19th April to 11.59pm on Wednesday 7th June 2023. Read More...