County Council tree projects

Published: 12 September 2023

Oxfordshire County Council are scoping for community tree and woodland project opportunities that will benefit people and nature. Oxfordshire needs more trees, and they are looking to find the best places for them.

The Community Tree and Woodland Opportunity (CTWO) team is looking for community planting projects that support the expansion of the county’s tree cover and promote the social and environmental benefits they provide. They are especially looking for projects where they are most needed and can provide the biggest benefit to people and the environment.

CTWO have launched their Project Submission portal, where community groups, residents, individuals, anyone, can put forward their project idea and CTWO can look to support it in a number of ways, such as through funding assistance, facilitating community engagement and consultation, planting and logistical support, and much more.

If you have a planting project idea, please submit a project form through the portal at Start a community tree or woodland project | Climate Action Oxfordshire.

If you would like any further assistance, please get in touch at