
The financial year for the Parish Council is between 1st April and 31st March. The budget is set in December and precept agreed for the following financial year. The Council's accounts are audited twice, once by an internal auditor and then by a Government appointed external auditor.

The financial regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council. They ensure that the Parish Council has an adequate and effective financial system of control, and demonstrate how the Council meets its responsibilities in the exercise of its functions.

Click here to view the Financial Regulations.


Accounts 2024/25
Budget 2024/25
Accounts 2023/24
Budget 2023/24
Summary for Year End - 2024
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (unaudited) - to follow
Internal auditor's report
Bank reconciliation - to follow
Explanation of variances - to follow
Explanation of reserves - to follow
Notice of public rights - to follow
Community Infrastructure Levy report - to follow
External auditor's report - to follow
Conclusion of audit - to follow